You might have noticed changes in your mental health now that you started work from home. Do you feel stressed out though you don’t have to commute? Are you fighting the battle of isolation though you can work flexibly?

Work from home jobs can be challenging your mental health. It can turn usually optimistic, productive worker bees into tired, unmotivated, irritable toads.

Therefore, before you hit rock bottom, learn how to spot the signs of declining mental health so you can address your next steps.

Let’s see what the psychological effects of working from home are.

  • Loneliness and Isolation
  • Anxiety Stress and Pressure
  • Depression
Loneliness and Isolation

Work From Home

You could spend days without talking to anyone if you don’t have to go to the office. Though you take a break from the distracting coworkers, you miss the aspect of chatting about your work and life. Though you talk on calls and video calls, it won’t feel the same. This disconnectivity with the rest of the world makes you feel lonely and isolated.

Anxiety Stress and Pressure

You would probably squeeze in work without disconnecting and unplugging, which would result in burning out. You’ll lose track of time. You’ll feel the pressure to be working even after the office hours. Work From home requires a lot of time management. When you fail in this, you’ll lose work-life balance.


Work From Home

Depression during work from home occurs when you feel struck. Without a career milestone such as a promotion or a fancy corner office, it might seem like you aren’t achieving much. The anxiety, stress, pressure, isolation and loneliness due to work from home can lead to depression or make it worse.

Depression isn’t just feeling sad. The symptoms include:

  • Irritability, or frustration, angry outbursts (even for small matters)
  • Loss of interest or happiness in activities such as sex or hobbies
  • Sleep disorder like insomnia or sleeping too much
  • Lack of energy and tiredness where even small tasks need extra effort
  • Increased cravings for food
  • Anxiety, agitation, and restlessness
  • Trouble concentrating, making decisions, and remembering things
  • Unexplained physical pains, such as back pain or headaches

Due to the lockdown enforced by the entire country due to the spread of dreaded pandemic COVID-19, most of us took a step back from the usual routine. It might sound relaxing working from your bed. In reality, sticking to it increases productivity and aids in the betterment of your mental and physical health.

What’s a routine?

A routine is a series of tasks performed repeatedly in our daily life. It provides a structure and discipline to your life. Many people do not set a daily routine and swing their day, having no idea what to do next because they don’t stick to a schedule. As a result, they feel stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, falling short of their goals and true potential. The success lies in designing a routine that works for both your personal and professional life to gain maximum productivity. 

Why is it essential to have a routine?


Having a routine gives you a direction to move forward, analyze your productivity, work on your shortcomings and save a lot of time. It gives you freedom, happiness, fulfilling and be able to show your true potential. 

Here are the top 5 reasons why following a routine is essential:

  1. It makes you more efficient as you already planned all your tasks for the day and didn’t have to think much about what comes next. As a result, the tasks become standardized and more efficient.
  2. It reduces the need to plan every morning as you have planned a set of rules to follow and execute your routine. So now you need to wake up and do instead of wake up and plan.
  3. It provides a logical sequence to your life. A framework with which you can live and execute your life. Soon you become familiar and comfortable with how your day has to go. 
  4. Following a routine instils good habits. Repetition is the secret to building good habits. Sticking to a routine helps you to foster good habits that match your goals and aspiration. 
  5. It reduces the need to procrastinate your tasks. The beauty of a plan lies in prioritizing the work on the basis of what’s more important. Since you follow it, you already know what to do and in what order to do because we have carefully designed it.

So why don’t you design and try it for yourself during this lockdown? I’m damn sure you’ll find a lot of time to relax and enjoy while you still complete all your tasks.

Self Motivation is a fire within us. If someone else attempts to light that fire, it’ll burn briefly. 

Motivation is basically of two types.

  • Intrinsic: It is the kind of motivation that comes within us.
  • Extrinsic: It is the kind of motivation that’s derived from the external source.

Hence motivation can be described as the reason by which a person behaves in a particular manner. The idea has to be extremely strong. In other words, motivation is a state of mind which utilized rightly will take you to the heights that you never dreamt of.

Here are some of the simple steps that’ll help you stay motivated all the time

  • Goal Setting

Setting a goal for yourself is scientifically proven methods to stay motivated. Although the purposes have to be realistic and achievable. Set a time limit by which you wish to achieve your goals.

There are three types of goals.

  • Short term goals: Goals that take a short period say for a week or a month to achieve are usually short term goals
  • Midterm goals: Goals that generally take a year or two to complete are the midterm 
  • Long term goals: Goals that typically take five to ten years or even more are considered to be long term goals.
  • Money

As hard as it might seem, but money is an essential factor in staying motivated. We aren’t speaking of millions or trillions, but having a sufficient amount of money to lead a decent life is a huge motivation. You can start by saving little portions of our income every day or every month.

Self Motivation

  • Stay with positive people.

Usually, people with a positive mindset and a positive attitude are the best motivators. They will always try to uplift your mind regardless of your situation. Even if you’re feeling low and down, talking to positive-minded people will motivate you. Further, when you encounter such negative thoughts, talk to someone with full of positivity to motivate yourself.

  • Use mistakes as experience.

To err is human. 

Learning from mistakes is what makes a person special. We all are prone to make mistakes, but that’s not the end of the world. Most of us tend to lose motivation when things don’t go as planned, or the desired results aren’t forthcoming.

  • Choose to be happy

This might sound weird to someone who’s encountering worst situation. However, its worth to remember that the bad time passes and eventually vanishes. Neither motivation nor worrying about something will help you solve your troubles. You can maintain your motivation with a thought that every problem is temporary.

Its worth to remember that we all lose motivation at some point in our life, and it’s perfectly normal. There’s nothing to worry about it. Analyzing the reason and finding ways to counter it works miracles. Lack of self-motivation if not addressed will lead to mental illness.


How do you stay motivated? Let us know in the comments below!